
A proactive AI assistant for students.

Winter 2023
Me, Bryan Huang

What is Schola?

Schola is an AI-powered research assistant spawned from a 10-day AI + UX Design challenge backed by Stratminds VC & Design Buddies.


Why are current AI tools insufficient?


People are unsure about what AI tools can offer them


Static interactions are frustrating with current AI tools


Misinformation plaguing the web harms true facts



Guided by action verbs.

Creates clarity and offers shortcuts


Proactive Interactions

Serendipity and ease of use


Real-time validation

Reduce time needed to fact check

fact check
compile info

Solution 1

Schola enables users to understand what they can do via action verbs.

These key words will guide users to optimize their workflows by providing with each shortcut. By providing a framework for our users - they can more easily understand and utilize the best features of AI innovations with less friction.


Solution 2

Schola prompts users with proactive interactions to reduce the friction of use.

Traditional AI chatbots require user input to begin a request, creating friction of use. Schola flips the dynamic, sometimes prompting users first to improve the research experience.

Schola can prompt users under a variety of circumstances and uses distinct UI elements to make interactions as seamless as possible.


Solution 3

Schola validates information in real time to protect users from misinformation.

The web is full of information, but not all information is good. Schola filters out the noise with real-time information validation. It also provides evidence of its findings for user validation.

Schola highlights important information and provides context to back up its claims. Users can interact further with Schola for more exploration.


The Prompt

Though AI tools are on the rise, the current trend sees users dwindle off after initial adoption. The competition wants designers to investigate how enhanced UX design can significantly improve the overall experience of various AI systems.


Schola is your proactive AI assistant that validates information, organizes your findings, and helps you stay focused on the task at hand while browsing.

Read our full deck here!


Through this fast paced competition, we learned how important it is to narrow down the problem space you are trying to solve fast to save more time on iterating solutions.

Without defined users and goals you can't start empathizing!

🙌 Huge thanks to STRATMINDS and Design Buddies for hosting this competition and nominating us, and to my partner Bryan!